Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Wolf Moon

"January's great path of the moon is solitude. Each day is a part of an infinite puzzle, interlocking with all the proceeding days and all ones that follow..."

Today is the Wolf Moon, the Pueblo Indians name for January's full moon, which is today and tomorrow. The Pueblo's philosophy was that there is twelve great paths of the moon.

I was born under the astrological sign of Cancer whose ruling planet is the Moon. I and am proud to be one considered a Moon Child. The Moon is a prominent feature in many legends & myths of many cultures throughout time. The Greco-Roman goddesses were Luna and Selene. Native American tribes had their own names and myths for the full moon of the each month. Today is the the Wolf Moon
Like the moon's gravitational pull on Earth, and effecting the the ebb and flow of the tides, going through different phases, waxing and waning, yet steady in it's monthly cycle, the moon is always associated with women, especially women's menstrual cycles that naturally follow a 28 day cycle. The sign of Cancer is said to be associated with the home and domesticity. We are said to be emotional, sympathetic and nurturing, but like the Moon's waxing and waning tendencies, we can be prone to moodiness, depression, and hypersensitivity. I'm not a huge follower of Astrology and don't understand it's complexities outside of fun, but everything I ever read on describing a Cancerian has fit me to a "T"

I enjoy domesticity. I'm not a housewife in any sense of the word, especially since I now live alone, but I love to be home, cooking and nurturing those in my life. I like being tucked in bed with a good novel on a cold winters night, safe from the harsh elements outside. I am hypersensitive, and often times too trusting with what I give of myself to others. Now I have learned to hold my cards a little closer to my chest, being more patient with observing how new people that come into my life unfold rather than taking them under my trust immediately like I used too.

The Moon represents yin in Chinese astrology. Yin is usually associated with feminine, dark and mysterious, as opposed to the Sun, which is considered yang; masculine, illuminating, and aggressive. Yin & Yang are the perfect balance of everything, and one cannot be without the other. The earth would not be as we know it without both the sun and the moon! As a Moon Child, I have experienced both Yin & Yang in my personality. As a child I was Yin. I was shy, quiet and hid in the shadows, repressing my dreams and personality. As I grew up and my personality developed and became stronger, I became more confident, assured and out spoken. For awhile I lost the Yin side of myself, but lately I am starting to get back in touch with it. I am learning to listen, to be patience, to simplify, and to take things much slower. Perhaps Yin & Yang components show up at different times in our lifetime as a measure of development and self preservation. When we are young, we need our Yang personality to learn, to go out in the world and to find out who and what we are. As we developed that part of ourselves, we are able to let the Yin back in and to relax and stop the upward projection of our youth to find our place in the world. It makes sense to me.

The beautiful moon. The full moon tonight, Feb 1, 07. I observed it from the train, and also it's soft reflected light of the sun across the floors in my dark house. I looked up at it as much as I can over these next couple of days before she starts to wane back into her secret shadows. The Moon is not the lesser sister of the Sun. No, she is as strong, independent and celestial as is her beautiful, life affirming sister, our biggest star, the Sun!

Dante associated Luna with grammar as part of the unified, study of the liberal arts. Reading and writing have been extremely strong influences in my life. Reading as a child helped me survive some very hard and confusing times. As an adolescent who felt felt like an outsider, reading was my comfort. In college, it turned the key to the freedom I so so longed to accomplish, and now, I will read anything that crosses my path. Books seduce me. I have spent thousands of dollars on them. I have owned thousands as well. I always have books with me, near me and in nearly every flat surface of my house. If I leave the house, I don't feel complete unless I take a book...or two with me. I even did a glamorous stint as an international interior design writer! If I do go through this MA program ( a new lunar phase in the life of this Moon Child?) I will probably write a thesis. I do know I will write a book...or two in my life as well.

A little about my beloved and favorite planet, the Moon. I have always been interested in astronomy, fascinated with the moon. It's not the most "impressive" planet out there as it doesn't have rings or covered in fire. It doesn't need to be bright and full of energy, it's impact is subtly known here on Earth, whether it be a full Harvest Moon, the sea at high tide or a lunar eclipse. We have visited the moon, but we cannot, so far, conquer her. That is her strength.

Click here for some cool Moon Info....

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